Ok #uk #gamers help me out – I can’t hit a shot all day on Apex (user error) but I hard reset my #XboxSeriesX and #router and start beaming for fun… how does that work??? #thankyou #gaming #xbox #ApexLegends #weird
— SJ (@SJGORILLA) September 20, 2021
Jesus christ.@MethodicalMemes @GandalfGaming__ @PretzelJones @Xbox_OG_memes @HideoCraigjima
?????????? https://t.co/6U6dmGmBe1— meme poster (@memeposter269) September 20, 2021
(*´ω`*) Xbox Series Xで『ドラゴンクエスト? 過ぎ去りし時を求めて S』の実績を解除したよ♪
冒険の書の守護者(G30)#Xbox #XboxJP #セルフ実績ショット pic.twitter.com/bk3Kok7F29
— 累?生き物・ゲーム・Kinect好き (@kasane_x1x360) September 20, 2021
If Xbox was in first place rather than in third place in the console market then you'd have more of a leg to stand on in terms of the monopoly talk.
— Unwarranted Design (@UnwarrantedDes) September 20, 2021
Because there isn’t a save wizard for Xbox. A lot of ps modders use save wizard as their source for their mods and Xbox doesn’t have it so that’s why
— Nanuu?? ? (@Hexinblazin) September 20, 2021
Ya esta solucionado el bug de el club de fortnite en xbox?
— Neonix | Info & Leaks | ? (@NeonixP) September 20, 2021
como accedo a las horas del ea play de xbox, ya tengo el juego instalado por la reserva, pero tengo que hacer algo mas o solo es entrar
— DAVID MATEUS (@dmc27itatema1) September 20, 2021
Aragami 2 provides some great steal action moments of gameplay with a myriad of ninja skills and abilities to master. However, it forgets the story and optimization in the shadows.
Read/watch our review:
? https://t.co/TEogEvVttx
? https://t.co/eSfyT6iPRP pic.twitter.com/H4sVFbLISA— Noisy Pixel (@NoisyPixelNews) September 20, 2021
— 530StudioCAW (@530StudioCAW) September 20, 2021
aprendi a activar los trucos de los sims en la xbox pic.twitter.com/ltNEJjedPP
— mar (@laumybeloved) September 20, 2021
Xbox doing fine
Xbox knocking out PlayStation subs service all around the world— Master Shake (@_Master__Shake_) September 20, 2021
@daemonbIackfyre Lucas, eu sei que vc manja mais entao queria sua opiniao… eu curto muito jogar mas o ultimo console que eu tenho e o xbox 360 que ja ta quase obsoleto ne kkkk na minha concepcao, se eu comprasse um pc eu aproveitaria mais jogos do que comprando um console
— babi (@spidersfromars) September 20, 2021
the crewをPCでやろうと思ったけどパッドならXboxコンしか対応してないのね…
— ?しぐれす(^p^)@おとこの娘系Vtuber (@sigles_0810) September 20, 2021
Yeah but I think KI really needs a soft reboot with a new engine Microsoft can use their own in-house Doom Id software engine or even Halo's Slipspace engine or Bethesda's Creation 2 engine it would be a graphical showcase fighter for Xbox
— Generation X Gamer?? (@KirkRooster) September 20, 2021
By the way, instead of being stupid enough to buy the TRDR Pocket, any parent could have bought the Switch or Xbox console with the same price as that console for their children.
— Silvery Fighters Jr./CG-TAN (@SilveryFJ) September 20, 2021